PI and Succession Planning

Published by PI Worldwide

The goal of succession planning is to ensure that the business can operate successfully, with the fewest possible interruptions, through its transitions into the future. Sometimes these transitions are foreseen, such as a planned retirement or anticipated promotion. In other cases, such as an employee's sudden departure to another company, they're surprises. While the reasons change, the importance does not; the very profitability of the business is at stake.

It's really quite simple. You can be certain that, for the most part, employees will not stay in their current positions forever. You'll either get the news with time to plan or not. So why not start planning for the inevitable now? This helps profitability in two ways. First, operations can run (at least relatively) smoothly during a time of transition, whether that transition was anticipated or not. Second, good succession planning means more growth opportunities for existing employees, which often increases retention. In other words, only good things can come of doing more succession planning.

Since successful succession planning requires successful development of people, it's a natural application of PI within your company. Here are some simple steps to follow:

  1. Take an inventory of the current team, and compare it to the future needs of the organization. For each employee, assess such personal assets as behaviors (PI), skills, knowledge, experience, values, etc.
  2. Compare this inventory to future needs; identify where employees will be needed to fill positions.
  3. Identify potential employees to fill positions:
    • Discuss career goals with employees to understand how their desires fit with company needs.
    • Identify the next position for employees based on their personal assets.
    • Match the employee's Self Pattern to the job requirements as closely as possible.
    • Be realistic about timeframes.
  1. Assess fits and gaps between the employee and what the next position will require.
  2. Create a development plan to bridge any gaps, specifically designed for this employee based on his or her motivating needs and learning style.
  3. Manage for success daily:
    • Create the environment in which he or she functions best.
    • Focus daily coaching on elements that will help him or her get to the next level.
    • Tailor your approach to his or her needs and communication style.

All leaders need to ensure business profitability by unleashing the best efforts of their people. Succession planning is an important part of that mandate.